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Welcome To London Foot & Ankle Surgery
A leading specialist Foot & Ankle clinic based in Central London, specialising in comprehensive management of Foot & Ankle problems. Our highly experienced team of Foot Surgeons and Podiatrists provide assessment, diagnosis and treatment plans, using the very latest advancements and techniques. Our renowned Day Surgery Unit specialises in treating Bunions, Hammer Toes, Flat Feet and Heel Pain. Call, Email or Book Online Now!

Conditions & Treatments
Minimally Invasive Bunion Correction
- Reduced swelling after operation as a result of less stripping of tissues to expose bone
- Reduced chances of joint stiffness as less scar tissue formation
- Quicker return to closed footwear and return to daily activities
- Small visible scars providing improved cosmetic result
- Early weightbearing with no casts

Common Foot and Ankle Conditions and Treatments
Bunions can cause the whole foot to deform with dislocated toes and painful deformities! Day case operation performed by Kaser Nazir for this patient who travelled from Mauritius to have the operation under a local anaesthetic block in London. #bunion #halluxvalgus #footsurgeon #bunionkinguk #bunionkingoflondon #bunionsurgeon #bunion surgery
Keyhole bunion surgery by Kaser Nazir performed for a painful deformity that progressed quickly. This is the only permanent fix!! #bunion #halluxvalgus #footsurgeon #bunionkinguk #bunionkingoflondon #bunionsurgeon #bunion surgery #bunionspecialist #footsurgery #designershoes #footclinic #kasernazir #toesurgery #footsurgeon #footclinic #beautifulfeet #keyholebunion #harleystreet #cosmeticfootsurgery #chanelshoes #londonfoot
Meet Our Team
The Cost of Foot Surgery
Many of our self-funding patients ask about the cost of surgery early on in their care.
It is rarely possible to provide a definitive quote before your assessment, but we can give an estimation of surgery fees based on a typical case.
If you would find this helpful, please click the below button to find out the cost of foot surgery.